Sunday, April 5, 2009


Jeet Prasad (I don't know... I want to call him Jeet Patel) is an urban orphan. He has no one to call his own. Some how (and I'll have to figure out that how quite soon) he is very well educated, from IIT Delhi, and holds a posh job in L&T Mumbai. When he was offered this job on campus of IIT Delhi, he didn't have any idea where he would live after the first month when he was being allowed to stay at the transit flat. 

In fact he didn't want to have 'any idea'. He was being paid over an obescene amount (HOW MUCH?) as a salary.. and his needs were very little... he had never been attracted to anyone romantically, and had no intentions of settling down in life..

so he starts 'living out of the suitcase'. In fact, he had only three pieces of luggage when he moved to Mumbai from Delhi - one carton containing some books and a few gifts from his friends in college (is this anti-thetical?), a suitcase of his clothes and personal accessories and his laptop bag.

On the very first day in Mumbai, he got this wonderful idea. he would put all his books and gifts in office (which was pretty large), and overnight stay at one of the various hotels in the city.. there were myriad ones... at times... he would also stay as a 'paying guest'

the only problem to this arrangement was that he would be unable to provide any contact address.. all his life, he had been providing contact addresses of his schools and colleges... never having had a family meant that he never had a 'permanent' address...

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